Overview and Strategic Plan

As part of the Department of Technology in Wautoma Area School District, library media centers and the library media program provide leadership for technology integration into the teaching and learning process. Technology plays a significant role in accessing information. No single area within the school has been more transformed by technology than the library media center, the technological hub of the school. The role of the library media specialist as an information specialist becomes even more critical as students and staff confront an excess of information. The library media specialist facilitates teachers’ use of technology for production, instruction, and student inquiry and communication. To ensure that this occurs, technology should be treated as a tool for learning rather than as an independent discipline. Through the use of technology the library media specialist, in partnership with the technology integrator can assist teachers and students in:
.....Enhancing information inquiry and processing skills
......Gathering information from global perspectives;
.....Communicating with others in a global environment
.....Analyzing data;
.....Facilitating presentation and production of ideas through multimedia;
.....Expanding teaching and learning opportunities.

Exerpt from Library Media Handbook

Components of Comprehensive Information and Technology Plan

State of WisconsinDepartment of Public Instruction
Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent

Suggested Outline:
Components of Comprehensive Information (Library Media) and Technology Plan

NOTE: The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction does not require that a standard form or format be used for the district’s long-range plan. The format that is listed below is based on current research in the field of school library media and K-12 instructional technology, criteria set forth by No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Universal Service Fund (Erate), and Wisconsin Statues: Standard h, Section 121.01 k PI 8.01(2) and Section 43.001, 43.03, and 43.05. Key components of a combined/comprehensive plan are listed below. The Plan Approval Form for evaluating the plan document, Plan Guidance document, which includes greater detail for each subtopic, and a budget worksheet are separate documents and can be downloaded at < www.dpi.state.wi.us/dpi/imt/ >.

A. Executive Summary
B. Title Page
- Title/name of combined/comprehensive plan
- Effective Dates of the plan
- Official school district name
- Signature of district administrator
- Name, Phone and Email of Plan Contact
- Date of Board of Education approval

C. Table of Contents

D. Introduction
- Description of Relevant Research and Best Practices reviewed by planning committee
- District Information and Technology Vision and Mission Statements
- Description of connections between the information and technology vision and mission with the district’s overall vision/mission/strategic plan

E. Background
- Community/school district demographics
- Names and titles of District Information and Technology Team
- Planning committee names, titles, and representation (may be the same as above team)
- Overview/description of planning process
- Community resources and adult literacy providers explored or utilized in the plan

F. Needs Assessment/Current Status
- Analysis and assessment of progress toward previous plan’s goals
o What objectives were achieved?
o What objectives were postponed or delayed and why?
o What objectives will continue or be modified?
- Analysis of student proficiency
- Analysis of educator proficiency
- Analysis of effective teaching and learning practices
- Analysis of access to information resources and learning tools
- Analysis of support systems and leadership
- Analysis of information and technology resources and fixed assets:
o Alignment of Information and Technology Literacy standards to local curriculum
o Learning tools (computer and AV hardware and related fixed assets
o Instructional resources ( instructional software and library media resources)
o Telecommunications and technology infrastructure, networking and connectivity systems

G. Plan Goals and Objectives (Focus on increasing student achievement, staff information and technology literacy, and library media and technology programs/services)§ Goals reflect the needs established from analysis of data from the Needs Assessment/Current Status section.
- Objectives need to be measurable, attainable, realistic and related to each goal.
- Show how these goals and objectives address adult literacy needs within the community

H. Action & Implementation Plans
- Each goal will have supporting objectives.
- The Action/implementation Plan will:
o Detail the implementation of each objective in narrative, table or spreadsheet format
o Indicate of how each objective will be measured
o Explain activities neeedd to support objectives
o Indicate resources needed for each objective/activity
o Project cost of activities
o Denote the person, group, or team responsible for the implementation (include collaboration with community institutions and organizations i.e. public library, higher education, and service organizations)
o Include a timeline and projected completion date for each activity
o Detail any policy or staffing changes (if applicable)
- Projected Budget for each year of the 3-year-plan (funding worksheet at www.dpi.state.wi.us/dpi/imt/)
o Taken from the goals & action/implementation section
o Indicates potential funding source i.e. general revenue, Common School Fund, E-rate
- Adult Literacy – Community collaborative activities for building citizen technology literacy skills

I. Dissemination to Stakeholders
- Details how the school/community will be informed of the plan and its contents
- Identifies adult literacy opportunities

J. Monitoring, Evaluation, and Revision
- Details the tools and processes used in the monitoring and evaluation of the plan processes (not the goals – but the overall planning process)
- Incorporates a process of reporting to community stakeholders
- Describes a process and timeline for ongoing, long-term planning
- Explains the process for incorporating mid-course corrections in response to new development/opportunities and the communication process of changes to stakeholders

K. Appendices should include (if items are not included within the body of the plan):
- Research Bibliography
- District strategic plan
- Compilations of needs assessments and supporting graphs, i.e. enGauge data, Taglit data
- Calendar of planning deadlines
- Monitoring and evaluation forms and timelines
- Information and Technology Literacy Matrices and curriculum maps, Network maps
- Inventories of hardware, software, AV equipment/media, library resources and collection maps
- Required School Board Policies
o Technology Concerns for Students with Special Needs
o CIPA/Internet Safety & AUP
o Copyright
o Materials Selection, Materials Reconsideration
o Inter-Library Loan

December 2004